Access to Training Update
Trinity has received funding from SITA and YANSEC to complete our Access to Training Project
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Accessing the arts industry
We are committed to creating opportunities for people to gain access into the industry
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Admin Assistant
We are looking for an Admin Assistant to join our team to support with bookings, community activities and general enquiries
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Adrian Utley's Guitar Orchestra to headline launch event
Trinity is very excited to announce a very special guest performance from Adrian Utley's Guitar Orchestra : Terry Riley's 'In C' to celebrate the opening of ...
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Afrika Eye Nov 2022
Join us 7-17 November 2022 for Afrika Eye at Trinity - we also take a look back on some of the highlights over the years
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Alabama 3 Acoustic & Unplugged at Trinity
Don't miss this fab-fundraiser in aid of Womankind Bristol a women's therapy centre providing counselling, psychotherapy and support services, Friday 20 April
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All the fun of the Fireworks
4 November 2007 - families enjoyed Trinity Community Arts' free annual firework event with Bristol talents the Ambling Band and Glitzy Bag Hags providing a ...
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An apology: updated
From my heart, in the hope that this will lead to rectifying the hurt
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An update, from the roof of Trinity
We sent our marketing officer up to to the roof to meet the skilled workers fixing up Trinity
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Andrew Bird 06.06.12
Playing with mesmerising and beguiling charm here at the Trinity centre earlier this month
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