Charity at Trinity
Trinity gains charity status
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Vote for the Trinity to win Tesco’s Bags of Help
You can help Trinity secure a grant of up to £4000 in Tesco’s Bags of Help scheme
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New film shines spotlight on Trinity
Short film by Locality highlights Trinity's role as a community hub
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Green Pledge
In our commitment to the environment, we pledge to improve Trinity's Green credentials
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Chrissie Hynde to perform live at Trinity this Winter
Round up of events for October as well as new announcements up to December
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Trinity wins M&S award for solar pv
The Trinity Centre Conservation Project has won a special judges panel award from the M&S Energy Community Energy Fund
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Trinity Project on Teachers TV
This film follows students from City Academy participating in a 2-day project with a local artist that brings together young and old from Bristol's diverse ...
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Make Trinity COOLER
HOT? Help us to Make Trinity COOLER!
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Trinity gets a lift - as in elevator
Trinity has just finished the installation of a new lift at the centre. This will widen access to our facilities, and save us from walking up and down the ...
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Re-imaging Trinity post-lockdown - Part 1: Arts
Trinity reflects on the announcement of the Government's £1.57bn cultural support package and what that might mean for grassoots culture
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