In Conversation: Gardna
We sat down with Gardna to chat humble beginnings, highlights from 2022, and what makes Bristol such a special city to perform in.
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Equality starts with you, today
1 October 2020 marks the ten year anniversary of the UK Equality Act 2010
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BBC "My Bristol" Project
Photo of the Trinity Centre's Graffiti Room used for part of the BBC's "My Bristol" project
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Events Update June
Dear White People / Cannonballista / Thirst For Knowledge
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More funding secured to help us fix up Trinity
Goal in sight for our capital repairs appeal
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Trinity Pledges
Following an extensive Community Consultation we have published our pledges to help inform future plans
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Trans Inclusion
We seek to provide a supportive environment for trans representatives and stakeholders and to create a culture and environment where trans people are able to ...
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Art, for, with, by the people
Reflecting on our series of research sessions exploring if we can co-create a cultural strategy
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Arts Council NPO decision
Read a statement from our Chair, Mijanou Blech
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Win a Mini-Rig and a Trinity goodie bag
Complete our survey by 10 Oct 2022 to be in for a chance to win
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