Celebrating heritage through song
How one community arts project connected and celebrated people across the world through song
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Be part of "Heart & Soul" our 2018 heritage project
This January 2018 we launch "Heart & Soul", a year long celebration of Trinity's heritage to run alongside our capital repairs
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Rebel Walk: Tesco Riot
Guided heritage walk exploring the history of the Stokes Croft Tesco Riot
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Connecting the dots
Piloting project in collaboration with Trinity, Bristol Old Vic, Tobacco Factory and The Wardrobe Theatre
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M.C. Beth
M.C.Beth is here - A Shakespearian Hip-Hop killer of Kings, battling the gangs of Bristol - Expect verse, rhymes, MC battles, sonnets & lots more 15th 16th and ...
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Update from the #Resist Team
We touch base with the #Resist Team to find out what's been going on behind the scenes with Trinity's heritage project
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Hype Dance Lockdown Challenge
Hype Dance keeping creative during lockdown
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Trinity granted funding for garden improvements
Postcode Local Trust helps improve the garden
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Rebel Walk: The Old Market Riot
Guided heritage walk exploring the history of the Old Market Riot in 1932
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Call out for Bristol artists
We are looking to commission artists to produce creative responses to key moments in Trinity’s history.
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