Ilu Axe - Postponed
Wednesdays 7pm-10pm, Samba-Reggae drums & dance
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A million bricks of love
A review of recent talk by manager of X-Church Lincs, Marcus Hammond
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Now offering Rock School Qualification
We have now added Rock School's Music Practitioner Qualification to our Music Course
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Edna & John
John Peacock & Edna Murphy 1945
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Fashion for Keeps: Upcycling & Resisting Fast Fashion
Free workshop to explore ways of mending and reusing clothes
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Call for participation in the Surf The Wave Artist as Entrepreneur programme
A year long programme of activities for dance artists and their producers
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Amelia's Story
Amelia is making a major donation to the Trinity Community Garden in memory of her Mum and you can help her legacy gift to go even further
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Memorial garden: one year on
In 2012 we remembered people missing through war and conflict with the planting of a tree at the Trinity Community Gardens
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Community Family Day
Check out the photo highlights
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Introducing our IGNiTE Artists in Residence 2018
Four artists will create and develop new work at Trinity
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