Project Roles - Vice & Virtue Project
Researcher: fixed contract fee £5,000
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Don't miss the Unity stage at St Paul's carnival
Young musicians from Making Tracks set to take the stage at this years St Paul’s Carnival
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Vice & Virtue 2013-15
Vice and Virtue was a heritage project for Old Market High Street documenting the real history of Old Market Bristol
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Jamell's story
With the DWP's announcement of their new Kickstart Scheme, we catch up with our Venue Manager, Jamell, who started at Trinity on a similar scheme back in 2010
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Garden update, Summer 2019
Take a look at what's on in our community garden
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Spring has sprung in Trinity Garden
Find out about the weekly activities in our inner city garden
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West Street Story
Work is nearly finished on West Street as Old Market prepares to open its doors to a host of exciting art and community-related events from January 2012
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Making Tracks 2018-22
Providing life-changing music making experiences for young people 2018-22
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Ithaca Axis Rehearsals
As the opening night looms, Bridges artistic director Nick Young puts the actors through their paces
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Dance Futures: Investing in dance in the city
Arts Council England have awarded a grant to Bristol Dance Futures
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