Trinity says goodbye to Arts West Side
End of an era as we say goodbye after 7 years of running our satellite community arts space
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Trinity shortlisted for IT award
Trinity and volunteer Alex Holding have been shortlisted for the finals of the IT4Communities Awards
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Trinity talk at Bristol's first IT MegaMeet
Bristol IT MegaMeet - Come to the first IT MegaMeet in Bristol on 19th May 2012 at the University of the West of England
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Trinity to launch new site on West Street
The new community venue, will host a range of smaller scale activities, and provide an information point for all that's happening in Old Market
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Trinity youth activities update
Trinity are currently seeking alternative sources of funding to continue the delivery of creative-arts youth training activities
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Trinity's redundancy
A rapidly dwindling congregation and cost of repair meant the Church began to explore options
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The Psychedelic Playground in full festive force
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Trubuntu released into the wild
Trinity held their first computer giveaway for young people who successfully completed recent courses at the Centre
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Tux to replace Trinity window
Wealthy free-software activist and entrepreneur donates £250,000 to fund penguin stained-glass window design
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U2 11 O'Clock Tick Tock Tour came to Trinity Hall, Bristol in 1980, supported by The Stingrays
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