Digital content disclaimer
While we endeavour to ensure the live streams we share are relevant and appropriate, Trinity is not responsible for individual content created by third parties
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Moving Bristol 2019-21
Moving Bristol, two-year project 2019-2021 to develop a wide range of dance activity across the city
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Here and Now
Trinity took part in national project celebrating the anniversary of the National Lottery
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Big Tent Ideas Festival
Trinity and DIY Arts Network takeover
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Michelle Roche & The Wish List
Community arts project with Artist Michelle Roche in collaboration with Newtown Network, 2021-22
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The Fantasy Orchestra
Bristol Refugee Festival: Celebrating sanctuary at home
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An update from IGNiTE
As we take a break to programme season two of IGNiTE we wanted to say a massive THANK YOU to all of you who have attended a show, shared our programme, tweeted ...
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Trinity given emergency funding by Arts Council
Trinity has been given a grant of £35k as part of Arts Council England's £160m emergency package supporting the arts sector
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Arts Council support for Trinity
We are very pleased to announce that Trinity Community Arts has been successful in securing two new grants from Arts Council England
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Dance Connect call out
Apply now for a funded residency as part of Bristol Dance Futures' Moving Bristol Project
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