What's Your Trinity Story?
Trinity Community Arts is set to launch a new local history project, designed to collect people's stories and photos of their time spent at the Trinity Centre, ...
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#GetInvolved on International Women's Day
Celebrate and take part in a month-long programme of events and activities
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Celebrating heritage through song
How one community arts project connected and celebrated people across the world through song
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Facing a closed door
In response to Arts Council England restrictions on funding for capital works
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Be part of "Heart & Soul" our 2018 heritage project
This January 2018 we launch "Heart & Soul", a year long celebration of Trinity's heritage to run alongside our capital repairs
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Carpark Closure (3 Nov - 4 Nov)
Temporary car park closure for Festival of Light
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Revolution Sounds
We said goodbye to the summer with the second Garden Party of the year
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Trinity Tea Dance
People put on their dancing shoes and best outfits for our city tea dance, July
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Communitybuilders Fund Feasibility Study
Trinity has been awarded a grant to carry out a feasibility study as part of the ongoing development and renovation of the Trinity Centre
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Connecting the dots
Piloting project in collaboration with Trinity, Bristol Old Vic, Tobacco Factory and The Wardrobe Theatre
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