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Facing a closed door
In response to Arts Council England restrictions on funding for capital works
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Fairy Tales for Troubled Times
Find out about the films on offer for this year Outdoor Cinema series
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Fast Fashion, #Resist Shorts and Environmental Talks
Summer programme of events exploring creative acts of resistance
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Father Paul - ‘The Rebel Conformist’
Read Tess' notes on our Tuesday Talk series
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Female Circumcision Protest March
Women from the city's ethnic minority communities were trying to spread the message that so-called circumcision should not be carried out on girls, June
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Festival Fundraiser
17 November 2007 - Big Green Ball benefit gig at the Trinity Centre to ensure the future of the Big Green Gathering.
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Fionn Regan live review
Ireland’s prodigious folk talent soothes the Bristol crowd with a set of poetic, heartfelt songs
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First Light Studio Launch
Free to use studio is supported by Batu and Dr. Martens
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Flying Lotus and Jamie XX confirm new gig
Another gig added to our busy Autumn season
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