GClub Gorillaz Live Rehearsal Show Announced
GClub Gorillaz live rehearsal show kicks off three great months of live music and events at the Trinity Centre this spring
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Gentrification or redevelopment?
Read Tess' Tuesday notes on panel discussion: Vanguards of Gentrification
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Get involved with Garden Party
Apply now to be part of our 15th annual free garden party
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Getting Things Off Your Chest
A Photo Recap of Scottee's Workshop "Making Stuff About Stuff" by Alexa Ledecky
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Gig goer? Maia wants your stories!
Heart & Soul volunteer Maia is collecting stories from young gig goers
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Globe Finds a Home at Trinity
Trinity will host Michele Curtis's Globe from The World Reimagined Series
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Go Cuckoo & Fall Down
Ratupadraynpipe Productions bring One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest to the Trinity Centre in Old Market for three nights in January 2008.
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Grant given from Social Enterprise Support Fund
Trinity has been awarded a grant of £30,000 from The Social Enterprise Support Fund
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Green Pledge
In our commitment to the environment, we pledge to improve Trinity's Green credentials
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Greening up Trinity
We are introducing 'green cups' at Trinity
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