Nitin's Industry Insights
Producer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Nitin Sawhney took time out to meet with Trinity students in November 2015
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Car park returns to full capacity
Revenue from our pay and display car park helps subsidise our community activities programme
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Fundraisers and festival announcements
The Zen Hussies & Baraka perform this Friday raising money for 'Save Our NHS' and award winning urban festival, Dot to Dot begin announcements for this year's ...
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Get involved with Garden Party
Apply now to be part of our 15th annual free garden party
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Take Part in What I Want To Be
View the online schedule for activities running 25 Mar - 04 Apr
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Volunteers needed at Arts West Side
To help us run a variety of creative activities this summer
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Summer in Review
Looking back on a summer of arts and music activities at Trinity
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Ibstock Cory Environmental Trust supports Trinity Centre Building Works
Trinity has been awarded a grant from the Ibstock Cory Environmental Trust to fund improvements to the Trinity Centre heating
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Two week resiedency of radical thinking and doing comes to Trinity
Brining together performances, art and film, music and spoken word Deborah Withers’ Emergenc(i)es is a feast of ideas and creativity
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Garden Party line up announced, Sunday 14 May
We are well excited to be announcing the bands and artists joining us for this years Garden Party
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