Commission for Disabled Artists Announced
Neurodivergent artist, Tink Flaherty wins with Bed Blocker project
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Heritage Lottery funds Trinity conservation
Aiming to carry out essential repairs to the centre to protect its future
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Trinity calls for participants for new Bridges art project
Workshops June-August 2012 - Bristol-wide Project uses stories to bridge the city
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Moving Bristol 2019-21
Moving Bristol, two-year project 2019-2021 to develop a wide range of dance activity across the city
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Don Letts
Ahead of his Trinity show we celebrate the legend that is Don Letts
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Mayfest 2016 announced
Mayfest 2016 programme announced with 'The Castle Builder' and 'Can I Start Again Please' at the Trinity Centre
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Christmas Art Market online gallery
We'll have a wide range of stalls this Sat 7th Dec...browse for some gift inspiration!
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Local independents show their support for Trinity
Local business' will be stocking our merch to help us raise much needed funds
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News gigs announced!
Latest confirmations include Buckcherry, The Jim Jones Revue, Kristina Train and Dirty Three
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Here and Now
Trinity took part in national project celebrating the anniversary of the National Lottery
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