'Powerful sultry vocals over often fervently moody electronica' Bank's kicks off her UK tour here at Trinity
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Bar Refurbishment and Christmas Parties
Trinity are pleased to announce that we have replaced our old bar with a new larger bar, fabricated from reclaimed wood and stainless steel finish
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BBC "My Bristol" Project
Photo of the Trinity Centre's Graffiti Room used for part of the BBC's "My Bristol" project
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BBC 6 Music comes to Trinity
Trinity is pleased to announce that we are to be part of BBC6 Music Festival 2016
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Be part of "Heart & Soul" our 2018 heritage project
This January 2018 we launch "Heart & Soul", a year long celebration of Trinity's heritage to run alongside our capital repairs
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Be part of Trinity's new Movie Making Course
Are you aged 16-18 and living in Bristol? Are you a creative person? Do you like movies and want to make one?
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Beat boxing, drumming and more
Young people from Making Tracks headed to Trinity for a day of music making
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Believe the Hype!
Trinity's weekly street dance class has performed around the country, won countless awards and they are looking for new recruits to join the team
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Benjamin Zephaniah Q&A
Poet, writer, musician, actor met young people from Making Tracks
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Big Lottery grant for Trinity building works
Trinity Community Arts has secured a grant from the Big Lottery Fund to carry out improvements to the Trinity Centre
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