Stewy DJ Derek mural
Trinity welcomes support from DJ Derek's memorial find with artwork by Bristol Artist 'Stewy'
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In Conversation: Ishmael Ensemble
We spoke to Pete Cunningham of Ishmael Ensemble ahead of their show at Trinity to chat about collaboration, Bristol's music scene, and what's next for Ishmael ...
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Reggae Benefit Gig Success
Reggae night in March raises thousands for Ethiopian charity
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Go Cuckoo & Fall Down
Ratupadraynpipe Productions bring One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest to the Trinity Centre in Old Market for three nights in January 2008.
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New Project Coordinator wanted
We have secured Awards for All funding to provide a Project Coordinator to support the engagement and development of volunteers at Arts West Side
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New dance programme launches
School/community project delivered in collaboration with award-winning dance charity Movema
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Dance Marathon comes to Bristol
Mayfest launched some of their headline events today including bluemouth inc's immersive show here at Trinity
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Hype wins 1st place!
at the XM British Open Street Dance Weekend 2014
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Art Therapy story
The Trinity Community Initiative (TCI) supported AWP Bristol Early Intervention in Psychosis Team with subsidised space hire at Arts West Side between February ...
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Vounteer shout out
Big into theatre? Like great music? Enjoying working with people? Friendly, attentive and have an eye for detail (so that you can be alert to any health and ...
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