Art Theraphy at Arts West Side
The Trinity Community Initiative (TCI) supported AWP Bristol Early Intervention in Psychosis Team with subsidised space hire between February and May 2016
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News from the Good Roots Cafe
Now open Tuesday to Saturday, 8am to 4pm at Arts West Side
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Art classes for over 50's
Wednesdays 11am-1pm, free drop-in workshops at SPACE
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Arts West Side Grand Opening
31st March 11am-4pm Join us for tea's, coffee's, cakes & soup
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Activate Westside 2014
Highlights of 2014
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New Volunteering Opportunities at Arts West Side
Arts West Side is a volunteer-led venture and everything that happens is driven by an enthusiastic team of volunteers - why not join in the fun?
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M.C. Beth
M.C.Beth is here - A Shakespearian Hip-Hop killer of Kings, battling the gangs of Bristol - Expect verse, rhymes, MC battles, sonnets & lots more 15th 16th and ...
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The Ithaca Axis
Created by Nick Young and Edson Burton as part of the Bridges Project
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Bridges Project so far...
Bridges is a community arts project, working with the community and professional artists to develop works around the theme 'Bridges'
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SPACE: the story so far
What's been happening at SPACE, since April 2016
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