Lil Hype Needs New Members
Hype's youngest dance troupe are recruiting for new aspiring young dancers
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Have your say about Trinity Centre development
Trinity has been awarded a grant from the Big Lottery Fund to look at ways to develop and improve the Trinity Centre
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Trinity redevelopment phase 2
Following our redevelopment works, plans are under-way to commence the second phase of our building works
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A history of the building
One of Trinity's charitable aims is to preserve, protect and improve for the public benefit the Trinity Centre - formerly the Holy Trinity Church
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Snapshots of Live Resistance
Online gallery exploring ways in which women have used creativity to amplify messages
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Free Downloadable Activity Packs
Designed for children, young people and families
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Show rehearsals now on!
AT TETHER'S END rehearsals October - December 2008
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Share your music memories
We'd like to hear from people who have been to music events at the Centre, especially during the years 1976 to 2000
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Creative Innovation
Voscur newsletter, focusing on innovative solutions provided by Bristol's voluntary sector, including what we do here at Trinity, pg 9
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Trinity's Summer programme
Activities for families, children and young people at The Trinity Centre this summer.
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