Share your music memories

We'd like to hear from people who have been to music events at the Centre, especially during the years 1976 to 2000

If anyone has any memories of seeing particular bands, photographs, flyers, posters or tickets we would love to hear from you.

We would also be very interested to hear from anyone who may have had family celebrations there when it was a church, such as weddings and christenings. These can be from any period in time and we would be especially pleased to hear from elders in the community who have stories to tell. ​

We will build on our current archive to create an exhibition of photographs, gig/event posters, letters, people's memories and memorabilia for an open day on 17 October.

The Centre is about to undergo an extensive programme of renovation and improvement to the upstairs hall and external grounds to create new facilities for the whole community. The open day will provide a change for people in the local community to come along to the Centre and learn more about the improvements, meet others, share their stories and join in the fun.

Please email us your stories to or write to us at Christina Robino, C/o The Trinity Centre, Trinity Road, Bristol BS2 0NW.