Summer Podcast Project: The Old Market Odyssey
a free weekly course for 11-15 & 16-21 yrs old, starting Mon 28th July
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#Resist call for content
Help build this picture of Bristol as a city of art and activism
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The final countdown begins
The final two weeks leading up to our exciting Re-Launch
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Bridges Project Exhibition
Trinity invite you to BRIDGES 7-day exhibition - The opening launch event will feature live creative performances by participants of workshops
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Letter from 1899 reveals early development plans
An undated letter has been found (circa 1899) from the Holy Trinity Vicarage requesting to put an extension onto the Holy Trinity Church
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Big Tent Ideas Festival
Trinity and DIY Arts Network takeover
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Bunty Multimos, Drenge and Babes In Toyland now on sale
So 2015 is well underway and we already have lots of exciting new events live on our website
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Blood Red Shoes 01.05.12
Live of review Blood Red Shoes here at Trinity
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New training courses for Autumn 2010
Trinity restarts it's training programme for 2010/11 this September
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Join the Garden Management Committee
The Community Garden is managed by Volunteer Committee Members and we are now looking for new people to join our team!
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