The final countdown begins

The final two weeks leading up to our exciting Re-Launch

We are heading into the final two weeks leading up to our exciting Re-Launch here on Saturday 8th March and the building is shaping up nicely, thanks to gcp Chartered Architects and our building contractor, CW Duke who have been working hard these past few months.

The beautiful new hall upstairs is getting some fantastic responses from all those who have been privileged to a sneak peek.

The drapes are up, as well as the lighting rig and fully functioning underfloor heating. There are now just one or two finishing touches before you all get to see this exceptional new space!

The building boasts some absolutely stunning windows that have now been restored to their former glory. These painted glass windows really stand out in contrast to the modern interior, as well as letting in a remarkable amount of light that perfectly bounces off the new wooden floor.

We are also pleased to announce that the striking new graffiti mural is now finished and is certainly brightening up our now impressive looking reception area. This phenomenal piece is all thanks to the incredibly talented 'Silent Hobo' and 'Mr.Riks' – Make sure you pause for a moment to take in this busy, colourful and inspiring piece when you drop by. We are hoping for this shiny new reception area to be completed next week when we see the installation of the all important reception desk and doors.

Finally we will be topping everything off with our new signs and some light finishing touches to ensure everything looks perfect!

Headlining the Trinity Re-Launch evening will be the uniquely gifted Adrian Utley (Portishead) - Adrian will be bringing together an orchestra of electric guitar players to interpret Terry Riley's 'In C' with special guest, local emerging talent, Young Echo (Jabu / El Kid / Vessel / Rider Shafique and Killing Sound).

The night owls will be able to join us in a Re-launch After Party where Smithy & Mighty will headline alongside PEV B2B ASUSU, Gilly and even more from the Young Echo collective.