West Street Mural Brings Splash of Colour to Old Market
Trinity Community Arts' newest project gets a dramatic makeover courtesy of Bristol graffiti artists, Silent Hobo and Mr Riks
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West Street Story
Work is nearly finished on West Street as Old Market prepares to open its doors to a host of exciting art and community-related events from January 2012
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West Street Update
Over the last month, we have been carrying out extensive renovation works to 6 West Street aka 'Arts West Side' to create a vibrant community hub at the heart ...
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What I Want To Be, What I Want to See
Trinity is thinking about the future, and we want to start by hearing from the people that matter - you
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What is a Citizens' Assembly?
Reflecting on our series of research sessions exploring how citizens can co-create a cultural strategy
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What's Your Trinity Story?
Trinity Community Arts is set to launch a new local history project, designed to collect people's stories and photos of their time spent at the Trinity Centre, ...
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What's Your Trinity Story? 2010-12
Local history project, designed to collect people's stories and photos of their time spent at the Trinity Centre, Lawrence Hill
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WHO AM I: new dance project comes to Trinity
Say your story through dance with H.Y.P.E’s new dance project WHO AM I?
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Who Wants To Live Forever...
Trinity opens its doors for a night of glitz, glamour and burlesque
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Wild Card Award Open Call for Artist Commission
Seeking bold makers and urgent voices for new opportunity
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