Bakar - Sold Out

A melting pot of indie, rap, rock, and punk
  • What whats-on 2022
  • When 03 Apr, 2022 from 07:00 PM to 11:00 PM (UTC / UTC0)
  • Where Trinity
  • Contact Name
  • Contact Phone 0117 9351 200
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Known for his indie-rock style, Bakar made his independent debut with Badkid in 2018. Growing up a fan of hip hop, the Camden-based artist had his eyes opened when he was introduced to indie music; since then, he knew his artistry was bigger than any single genre.

A melting pot of indie, rap, rock, and punk, Bakar's music bridges the gap between genres. Drawing influence from Madlib and Foals, his projects illustrate a mastery in creating fresh beats and disrupting genre stereotypes.

Tickets on sale: Feb 04, 10am

Please note, this is a standing show


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