Bristol Bad Film Club: Santa Claus Vs. The Devil

Bad Films, Good Times
  • What whats-on trinity-events-archive 2015
  • When 10 Dec, 2015 from 07:00 PM to 10:00 PM (UTC / UTC0)
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Bristol Bad Film Club: Santa Claus Vs. The Devil

This is one of several that sprung from US producer K. Gordon Murray, who during the 50s purchased, redubbed and rereleased a bunch of foreign fairy tales for American audiences. Some of his ‘hits’ include Little Red Riding Hood and the Monsters (1962), The Robot vs. The Aztec Mummy (1957) and Samson vs. The Vampire Women. The latter two (as well as this film were famously lampooned on Mystery Science Theatre 3000).

In this dubbed Mexican Christmas film, Santa lives in outer space with Merlin and a host of racially-stereotypical children and some very sexual machines. However when Lucifer attempts to ruin Christmas by killing Santa and “making all the children of the Earth do evil”, the scene is set for the weirdest festive film you’ve seen this side of Elves (1989).