Dance for Parkinson's - Postponed

This event is postponed until further notice.
  • What workshops class community activities workshops-classes
  • When 19 Nov, 2019 10:30 AM to 17 Dec, 2020 12:00 PM (UTC / UTC0)
  • Contact Name
  • Add event to calendar iCal

Following the advice from Parkinson's UK Headquarters, Dance for Parkinson's have decided to close all activities. This is because their members are one of the most vulnerable groups to face the spread of the Coronavirus. More information can be found here.


A playful and gentle dance movement class specifically designed for people living with Parkinson’s. Bring your partner or carer along to join in too. All welcome, no previous dance experience required, just a willingness to have fun!

The classes are lead by Dancers from The Original Spinners who are trained to deliver dance to people living with Parkinson’s and currently lead sessions at Southmead Hospital.

Classes run every Tuesday from 10.30am – 12pm
(Dancing from 10.30am-11.30am followed by tea, coffee, biscuits and a chance to socialise)
Wear comfortable clothing and shoes.

“It makes me feel good, it gives me a workout, it has emotional content, and it requires interaction with other dancers. And all these benefits enable me to live with a little more ‘Joie de vivre’ in my life!” (Southmead class participant)

Dates when the class will not be running
24th Dec 2019
31st Dec 2019
7th April 2020
14th April 2020
26th May 2020