Police Public Forum

Residents of Bristol are invited to put their questions to Police and Crime Commissioner Sue Mountstevens and Chief Constable Andy Marsh
  • What whats-on trinity-events-archive 2019
  • When 12 Mar, 2019 from 07:00 PM to 09:00 PM (UTC / UTC0)
  • Where Trinity Centre
  • Contact Phone 0117 9351200
  • Web Visit external website
  • Add event to calendar iCal

Residents of Bristol are invited to put their questions to Police and Crime Commissioner Sue Mountstevens and Chief Constable Andy Marsh on Tuesday 12th March, 2019.

The Public Forum, to be held at The Trinity Centre in Bristol, will be attended by Avon and Somerset’s PCC and Chief Constable plus Bristol Superintendent Andy Bennett.

The forum will begin with a welcome from the PCC and Chief Constable, before a presentation on policing in the area, by Superintendent Andy Bennett. This will be followed by an open question and answer session with the PCC, Chief Constable and Superintendent.

Speaking ahead of the forum, PCC Sue Mountstevens said: “I am delighted to return to Bristol for this public forum. It’s a fantastic opportunity to meet with local people and those from the surrounding areas.

“I really look forward to these forums as the Chief Constable and I can speak to local people, find out what they think about policing in the area and answer any questions they may have. Local people tell me that they see these meetings as an opportunity to share their concerns and to help make the communities of Avon and Somerset safer and stronger.”

Chief Constable Andy Marsh added: “These public forums are a brilliant opportunity to hear, first-hand, how local people feel about their police service and neighbourhood policing teams. It provides a chance for us to talk face-to-face about some of the challenges we are facing in policing and how our local communities can help us”

The forum will be held at The Trinity Centre, Trinity Road, Bristol, BS2 0NW and will take place between 7pm – 9pm on Tuesday 12th March 2019.


Register for your free ticket now by clicking here.

You can also reserve your seat by emailing pcc@avonandsomerset.pnn.police.uk or calling 01278 646188.

If you have any questions you would like to ask you can email us in advance at pcc@avonandsomerset.pnn.police.uk. We recommend you do this if you have a question that might need some research (for example regarding a specific issue in your area).

You can also tweet us your questions to @AandSPCC using the hash tag #YourPCCYourVoice.

Anyone unable to make it can follow live tweets from @AandSPCC or afterwards watch a recording of it on our YouTube channel.