- https://archive.trinitybristol.org.uk/events/temples-0
- Temples
- 2014-11-29T19:00:00+00:00
- 2014-11-29T23:00:00+00:00
- Metropolis Music presents English psychedelic rock band
- What whats-on trinity-events-archive 2014
- When 29 Nov, 2014 from 07:00 PM to 11:00 PM (UTC / UTC0)
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Support from Superfood + Klaus Johann Grobe
Temples have announced details of Sun Restructured, a ‘re-animation’ of their much-acclaimed debut album, Sun Structures, by Beyond the Wizards Sleeve (Erol Alkan & Richard Norris) which is released on Heavenly Recordings on Monday November 10th 2014.
Taking the original record as their guide, Beyond The Wizards Sleeve have created a kaleidoscopic trip that redefines and takes the original into new, twisted sonic spaces. Using five re-interpreted tracks (Sand Dance, Shelter Song, A Question Isn’t Answered, Golden Throne & Move With The Season) from the original album to form the spine of the record, the 42-minute journey is interwoven with tweaked and warped snatches of other tracks from Sun Structures.
Describing the record, Erol Alkan said: “Being asked to re-animate a whole album’s worth of material is an honour. We (in return) wanted to create something special. A record which could be listened to in one go, from start to finish, a listening experience that is becoming increasingly rare. So as well as a host of full Beyond The Wizards Sleeve re-animations here, there are interludes, ambience, ebb and flow…each section flowing into a bigger piece. We tried many things along the way: spoken word sections, days out collecting field recordings, yet ended up letting the original songs and their beautiful arrangements and melodies guide us. There is so much happening under the surface of Sun Structures, and deep within each track, it was a pleasure to dive in and see what we could find. it inspired us to pick up our guitars, plug in our synthesisers and add some wizardry on top. Enjoy this trip. And it is a trip.”
Catch them live at the Trinity Centre following a summer of great festival performances.
General On sale – Friday 29th August 2014 9am