2013 round-up
Key Achievements
TCA was awarded the VISIBLE accreditation certificate by Community Matters in recognition of our service to the community.
Successfully completed our roof repair project with funding support from English Heritage, Pilgrim Trust and Biffa Award
Delivered a training programme for 16-18 year olds in activities including Music, Photography and Graffiti, in partnership with the City of Bristol College
Secured a new contract to deliver youth training provision in partnership with Weston College for 2014
Delivered a Youth Music project with open music sessions for young people aged 13-21
Delivered a community garden project, including a Women and Children's drop-in on Wednesdays as well as free gardening sessions on Thursdays with groups of vulnerable adults from Rethink and Second Step
Completed works to our outdoor community kitchen and installed a new children's play area thanks to funding from Veolia Environmental Trust, promoting natural interactive play
Completed our Arts Council funded Bridges Project, which culminated in a citywide site-specific performance The Ithaca Axis, featuring both professional actors and community ensemble
Held our annual free garden party and fireworks parties attracting audiences from across the community
Delivered the Digital Activism project for young people aged 18-25 to develop experience in the creative industries in partnership with Knowle West Media Centre and Ujima Radio
Delivered a new youth Tank Theatre project with support from Ernest Cook Trust for young people aged 15-26 to take part in weekly acting workshops leading up to a final performance M.C.Beth at the Trinity Centre at the end of August
Secured Awards for All funding for the Activate West Side Project at Arts West Side and have appointed a new Volunteer Coordinator for the project at the end of the year
Secured Heritage Lottery funding for a new 18mth long project, Vice & Virtue about the history of Old Market High Street, 2013-2015
Delivered a capital improvement project to the Centre, funded by Big Lottery Fund and Ibstock Cory Environmental Trust, to renovate the upstairs hall space and grounds
Participating in the new Creative Employment Programme, providing paid internships for young people aged 18-24 within Trinity
Supported numerous groups with free/subsidised hall space. See Annual Report for details.