Bristol Energy Project

Project led by the Bristol Energy Cooperative seeking to explore viability of community-owned energy solutions

Trinity has been invited to be involved in the Bristol Energy Project to explore the viability of create a community-owned social enterprise which will own energy infrastructure and support investment in energy efficiency, in homes, businesses and community resources in Bristol and surrounding region.

At this stage the Bristol Energy Co-operative have made an application for a feasibility study to the Bristol Energy Catalyst Fund offered by the Centre for Sustainable Energy, with the aim of carrying out a feasibility study to explore the idea in more detail. The study will look into the wider business case for the project, as well as establish a good level of technical information about prospective roofs such as Trinity and other community centres and spaces.

Whether or not we all decide if Trinity wants to be involved at a later stage in the project, taking part in the feasibility study will give us access to information around this area, and we will benefit from having access to any reports produced.

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