Repairs 60s
A report on the church structure identifies that about £1,500 of repairs to the roof are recommended.
A report on the nave roof mentions that around £2,000 of repairs are urgently needed, and states that rot, beetles and poor fixings are other problems the building faces.
The roof is an ongoing issue for the building.
In November of the same year, some building work is started on the roof and windows are replaced and reset.
15 May 1964 - main building work is started on the roof.
January 1969 - A report on the fabric of the church from inspection made notes that it is in generally very good order. It recommends some repairs but also makes the point that, “none of these repairs are considered to be urgent enough to carry out in the face of any likelihood of the church closing.”...and “the churchyard is recognised by all responsible to be a problem and in the long run a scheme of re-landscaping would have to be examined.”
Additional repair works were carried out over an extended period between 1987-89.
Subesquent repairs to the South Aisle roof were carried out in 2012-13 and to the North Aisle roof in 2017-18.