Roof repair project update

Trinity Community Arts (TCA) is half way through a roof repair project, funded by English Heritage, Biffa Award and The Pilgrim Trust

The programme of works, which commenced in March 2013, is a scheme of roof repair and masonry works that will help to secure the future fabric of the building.

English Heritage funding was used in 2009 to carry out a conditions survey of the former Holy Trinity Church. The survey identified perforations to the south aisle lead roof – a sign of underside lead-corrosion caused by moisture getting trapped between the roof leadwork and underside insulation.

The roof repair works scheme, totalling over £140,000 will be followed by a programme of development works funded by the Big Lottery Reaching Communities Buildings Fund. The scheme of development works include improvements to the external grounds, creation of a new daytime reception and installation of heating, a sprung wooden floor, lighting and drapes in the upstairs hall space to make it suitable for activities such as dance, fitness and performance, as well as weddings and parties. The work will help to create a second smaller hall space, suitable for IT classes, community meetings and smaller functions.

This period of change cannot happen without support. If you would like to organise your own fundraising activities for the Centre, visit: You can also make a small, one-off donation via JustGiving Trinity Text Appeal 2013 text TRIN13 £5 to 70070 to donate to Trinity and make a difference today.


Roof repair works 2013, by Rhiannon Jones