We are excited to announce that Trinity's Vice and Virtue project is holding a
short story competition! The rules are simple, the story can be fact or fiction based, no more than 2,000 words and must include Bristol's Old Market. Old Market can play a minor or major role in the story. We would particularly like to invite new writers to the competition so if you haven't done anything like this before now is your chance!
Old Market is steeped in history, from the black G.I's and racial politics during war times to the cinema culture in the 50's and 60's, not forgetting Old Markets ever growing LGBT scene. There is lots to write about both virtuous and that of vice, so get your pencils, type writers or laptops out and get creative.
SHORT STORY COMPETITION OPEN NOW! New writers particularly welcome - Free entry - 2, 000 words max
Submit a story based on the theme of Bristol's Old Market - working, living, loving - however it figures in your factual or fictional narrative. Be bold, be risky be original!
Send your entries to: story@3ca.org.uk
or post it to: Trinity Community Arts. The Trinity Center, Trinity Road, BS2 0NW
Prizes: A pricless selection of Bristol history books, supplied by Bristol Tangent Books and two complimentary tickets to an upcoming gig of your choice at Trinity (subject to availability).
For more information contact Edson on 0117 9351 200 or email above.
Closing date 22nd December 2014.
The competition is part of the Vice & Virtue history project