Stallholders & Performers wanted for Alternative Wedding Fayre

We're inviting local, alternative and affordable wedding suppliers to join us on Saturday 11 April for a wedding fayre with a difference!

On Saturday April 11, we are providing an opportunity for smaller, niche businesses to promote themselves to couples looking to make their special day one to remember.

As an alternative licensed wedding venue for Civil Marriages and Civil Partnerships, we hope to attract those who want to stand out from the crowd.

We have affordable indoor and outdoor pitches for venues, photographers, caterers, bakers, florists, décor specialists, illustrators, card makers - or something completely different!

Stall-holder fees range between £25-£60 dependant on business size/type. If you are interested in booking a stall or would like to find out more, please contact the office on 01179351200 or email

We're also inviting musicians and bands interested in being booked for weddings to come along and perform live on the day. You don't have to pay, just book a slot and come along to perform live on the day to our audience. To find our more, get in touch via the details above.

Click here for more information about the event.

Deadline for booking, Sunday 1 March 2015.