Tenisha, aka Miss Tee's Story

Miss Tee has performed at Harbour Festival and garden party, this is her story

Trinity Centre Youth Music Bristol

Photo @ KoLAB Studios

“I just learned to channel my anger, emotions, my energy in a good way, so I could create something I could be proud of... I'm just going to keep following that path of love, loving what I do and loving how I do it and just see where it gets me, coz that’s all I can do.” Miss Tee

Tenisha is a young single parent whose situation has turned around over the last two years with support from Trinity.

From being someone with very little confidence who described herself as ‘a negative person’ Tenisha has used her involvement with Making Tracks to develop a positive approach to life, both personally and professionally.

Her lyric writing, singing, microphone use and music production skills have improved significantly. She has become increasingly independent and her confidence has blossomed, evidenced in her three live performances in front of large crowds this year.

“They (Trinity) showed me I could do more with my music, that I am my music, and to embrace my music. They made me understand that context, and the confidence helped me build it too... It’s a big step for me, and it’s scary too, but they've helped me every step of the way and I'm so grateful... It’s made me more independent and that is making me overcome a lot of other fears. The whole coming out of my shell, being who I really want to be, and doing what I love...”

Tenisha has developed a strong musical relationship with Trinity staff who have challenged and supported her in a way that has encouraged her growth, personally and musically, her self-discipline and self-belief.

Having now joined PRS as an artist in her own right Tenisha’s next steps include producing an EP of original music and releasing it across multiple platforms. She’s also keen to mentor other young people, pushing them forward in a way she feels she was never pushed until now.

“Overall we're incredibly pleased with her. I'm really happy for her because it's going to keep going, it’s not the top of the hill yet, so she will stay involved.” Al Howard,Trinity staff member