The Ithaca Axis revealed

Unravelling the details of Trinity Community Arts' latest site-specific adventure!


The Ithaca Axis - FAQs

What is the performance about?

The Ithaca Axis is a citywide site-specific performance, following the story of four central characters: Odysseus Penelope Telemachus and Cassandra

This is an incredible journey taking place through several, secret locations across Bristol.

Part theatre, part adventure, The Ithaca Axis is a modern reinvention of the Epic myth The Odyssey.

Where is the performance taking place?

The performance will stretch across several secret locations across the City and will start promptly at 7pm from THE POSEIDON STATUE - opposite Bristol Hippodrome, St Augustine's Parade, Bristol, BS1 4UZ

Show dates?

23rd-27th April & 30th Apr-5th May (no show Apr 28th & 29th)

How will the audience get about?

The audience will then journey by foot through Bristol city centre, visiting a number of locations. There is a large element of walking involved in the show so please contact us for advice if you are disabled, or unsure about your fitness level.

Is the performance wheelchair accessible?

The show is wheelchair accessible, by prior arrangement – please contact us to discuss access, or any other requirements.

Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the event?

This show is not recommended for persons under 12 years old.

What are my transport/parking options getting to the event?

We advise audience members to use paid parking in the local vicinity (BS1 4DH) or to arrive by foot. The end location is different to the finish and public transport options for your return are available.

Where can I purchase tickets?

TICKETS: £10 (£7 concessions) available and Eventbrite.

I want to buy a ticket on the night, what do I do?

It may be possible to buy a ticket from our steward at the Poseidon Statue on the night if we are not sold out.

Is there any parking available?

We do not provide any parking. The finale of the show is at The Trinty Centre, 1.5miles away from its originating point so you might want to factor this into your plans.

Is there a bar?

There is a bar at the finale location, The Trinity Centre. You will arrive there approx 2hrs after the start of the show.

What about if I want to go to the loo!

A toilet break can be arranged with your mobile steward.

Where can I contact the organiser with any questions?

Contact the project team directly via or contact The Trinity Centre via 935 1200