Trinity is recruiting

Trinity is recruiting for a freelance Arts Marketing Officer and Producer as part of the Ignite project

Trinity is pleased to announce the launch of the next stage our our Ignite Programme.

Due to successfully being awarded Arts Council support through the Grants for the Arts funding we are now recruiting for two great Freelance Posts to join our Trinity Team.

We are seeking a freelance Marketing Officer who can work with us to implement our Marketing Strategy, to help raise the profile of the Ignite project, encourage participation and engage audiences in our developing in-house programme.

We are also seeking a freelance Producer who can work with us to implement our Programme Strategy, to help programme and deliver a diverse range of activities and events that reflect our values and respond to our communities and centre users.

We are looking to engage with consultants who are confident, resourceful and creative, who can operate in a busy, changing environment.

Ignite is a year-long project 2016/2017 during which we will implement our Programme Strategy through a series of residencies, workshops and live-performance, featuring up-and-coming artists reflective of Bristol’s diverse communities.

Through an enhanced in-house programme, targeted residencies, commissioning opportunities and bridging activities that foster connectivity between resident creatives and centre users, we will help affect real change in the diversification of arts in Bristol.

Click here to visit the Job Vacancies section of our website for more info.