
Site News
In Focus: Gh0$t In Focus: Gh0$t

How taking part in Making Tracks has helped Gh0$t take his next steps

Trinity gets a lift - as in elevator Trinity gets a lift - as in elevator

Trinity has just finished the installation of a new lift at the centre. This will widen access to our facilities, and save us from walking up and down the stairs.

A city of protest A city of protest

Curator and historian Dr Edson Burton speaks to the BBC about the history of protest in Bristol

Luna's story Luna's story

We hear from Luna, a full-time single mum who joined us at the community gardening drop-in day (last Sunday of the month)

A history of the building A history of the building

One of Trinity's charitable aims is to preserve, protect and improve for the public benefit the Trinity Centre - formerly the Holy Trinity Church

A week in the life of Trinity A week in the life of Trinity

We took a look at one week in June, to see just how a week in the life of this much-loved inner-city arts venue is anything but dull