I am not who you think I am
A free workshop taking a life course approach to ageing, identity, diversity and discrimination.
- https://archive.trinitybristol.org.uk/events/i-am-not-who-you-think-i-am
- I am not who you think I am
- 2019-06-13T10:30:00+00:00
- 2019-06-13T12:30:00+00:00
- A free workshop taking a life course approach to ageing, identity, diversity and discrimination.
- What whats-on trinity-events-archive 2019
- When 13 Jun, 2019 from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM (UTC / UTC0)
- Where The Trinity Centre
- Contact Name Joanna Cross
- Web Visit external website
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This is an everyone welcome, all-ages inclusive, practical session for theatre professionals and anyone with an interest in the performing arts as a vehicle for social change.
This is part of an emergent initiative: New Wave Ageing – Cultural Diversity and the Performing Arts: a response to recent, research evidence of the extent of ageism in UK society, and the need to acknowledge the complex diversity of later life.
Hosted by Dr. Joanna Cross
To book a place / find out more, please email: jecross19@yahoo.co.uk
This workshop is free and will take place on 10.30 - 12.30 in the Main Hall (ground floor) of the Trinity Centre, Trinity Road, Bristol BS2 ONW.